🃏 ProSignal • Commands


In the game it is possible to turn on the console window in which you can enter various commands for testing and facilitating gameplay.

To open the command entry window, press "`" (the button under esc).


Inv all - Gives the player all available items.

Inv clear - Removes all items from your inventory

Game Mode

Creative - Changes the game mode to Creative

Survival - Changes the game mode to Survival

Peaceful - Changes the game mode to Peaceful


TP Start / TP S - Teleports the player to the start

TP Centre / TP C - Teleports the player to the centre of the map

TP Bridge / TP B - Teleports the player to a bridge with guards

TP House 1 / TP H1 - Teleports the player to the first house

TP House 2 / TP H2 - Teleports the player to the second house

TP Farm / TP F - Teleports the player to the farm

TP Lake / TP L - Teleports the player to the bridge by the lake


Restore all / RA - Restores all stats

Restore Health / RH - Restores life

Restore water / RW - Restores water levels

Restore food / RF - Restores hunger levels


Kill - Kills player

Kill All - Kills all characters on the map

Kill Enemies / Kill ene - Kills all enemies on the map

Kill Animals / Kill ani - Kills all animals on the map


Day - Changes the game time to start the day

Night - Changes time of day to night

Time XX - (for example "Time 06", "Time 12") - changes the time in the game.


Rain 0 - Turns off the rain

Rain 1 - Activates a little rain

Rain 2 - Activates medium rain

Rain 3 - Activates strong rain


Dev - Enables/disables "test view"

Collisions - Enables/disables collision visibility

FPS - Enables/disables the fps counter (located under the radar)

HUD - Enables/disables HUD visibility


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If you have any ideas for new commands then feel free to share them in the comments! 😀🧡